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Re: problem with soundin on winsound 3.52

Date1999-07-27 02:28
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectRe: problem with soundin on winsound 3.52

I use soundin with CoolEdit version 96 .wav files without problem.  I
usually rename them to soundin.10 or some other number though.

Hans Mikelson

Date1999-07-27 19:30
Fromjose halac
Subjectlatest mac version
could anyone tell me which is the latest matt ingalls version of CSound for
and where to get it from



Date1999-07-27 21:44
From"Matt J. Ingalls"
Subjectcsound macppc 3.56
new version up today - includes new sndinfo opcodes - i will hold off on
the sources until merge with ffitch sources.

please- comments on sndinfo opcodes:
	name change?
	should filelen have option returns instead of secs (frames, etc)?
	should filepeak calculate peak if not present in header?
	(note filepeak only works on AIFF_C float files until i implement
         the PEAK chunk)
	Csound for Power Macintosh
This Version: 
	fFitch code base	3.56
	Perf "engine"		3.56
	Csound "front end"  1.3
Available From:
changes from 3.55.1/FrontEnd 1.3
- merged new sources
- added new opcodes: filelen, filesr, filenchnls, filepeak

Note: this version requires an additional file
  "csound.txt" to be inside your "perf" directory
  or one of the sound/analysis directories.

Front End:
- none

manual supplement
New Opcodes:
ilen	filelen	ifilcod		; returns length of "ifilcod" in seconds
isr	filesr	ifilcod		; returns the sample rate of "ifilcod"
inchnls	filenchnls ifilcod	; returns the number of chnls of "ifilcod"
ipeak	filepeak ifilcod, [ichnl]  ; returns peak absolute value of
				   ; "ifilcod"
			; if ichnl=0, returns peak out of all channels
			; if ichnl>0, returns the peak of ichnl
			; if ichnl is not specified, returns peak of
			;	the entire file.
			; currently only supports AIFF_C float files

Please email bugs to csound-dev@mills.edu

On Tue, 27 Jul 1999, jose halac wrote:

> could anyone tell me which is the latest matt ingalls version of CSound for
> Macs?
> and where to get it from
> thanks
> jh