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Re: Older Computer Music Languages

Date1999-06-06 00:20
FromCharles Baker
SubjectRe: Older Computer Music Languages
Re: Cmusic...
I tried a port of cmusic to Linux, using the SUN src....I got it to
compile, but I realized that
the code needs a complete re-write of the sound io functions to work, such
as I did to
the CARL sound utilities (ftp://www.charlieb.com/utils.tar.gz). I havn't
done this yet.
cmusic has some very nice unit generators, such as "space" and "sndfile", a
'3d' sound path
processor and a quite powerful sampling u.g., respectively.
Perhaps I will get back to this sometime...it would be a nice addition to
the linux world.
pcmusic does work, actually, as long as you don't mind having a Wndows box
in front of you...;-)...

Char lieB