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getting started, weird problem...

Date1999-06-11 02:34
From"Jeremiah T. Isaacs"
Subjectgetting started, weird problem...

with the following orc and sco, i only hear instrument 1.  if i comment
out instrument 1 in the .sco, i hear only instrument 2.

please tell me im making some strange mistake.

; arg.sco

f1 0 1024 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
f2 0 1024 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

i1 0 4 10000 6.00
i2 4 5 10000 8.00


;  arg.orc


instr 1

	kenv1 linseg p4/3,p3/4,p4,p3/4,p4/2,p3/4,p4/2,p3/4,0
	asig1 oscil kenv1, cpspch(p5), 1
	asig2 oscil kenv1, cpspch(p5/2), 1
	asig3 oscil kenv1*0.2, cpspch(p5*2), 1
	outs asig1*asig3, asig2*asig3

instr 2

	kenv1 linseg 0,p3/4,p4,p3/4,p4/2,p3/4,p4/2,p3/4,0
	kenv2 linseg 0,p3/3,p4,p3/3,p4,p3/3,0
	asig1 oscil kenv1, cpspch(p5), 2
	asig2 oscil kenv2, cpspch(p5/2), 2
	asig3 oscil kenv1, cpspch(p5*2), 2
	asig4 oscil kenv2, cpspch(p5*3), 2	
	outs asig2+asig4, asig1+asig3

;and the output from csound, which indicates no errors...

Csound Version 3.51 (Jan 26 1999)
WARNING: floats encoding information cannot
       be contained in the header...
orchname:  moog:Desktop Folder:csoundinsh:mine:arg.orc
scorename: moog:Desktop Folder:csoundinsh:mine:arg.sco
sorting score ...
    ... done
orch compiler:
35 lines read
    instr   1   
    instr   2   
MIT Csound: 3.51 (Jan 26 1999)
(Mills/PPC: 3.5.1)
orch now loaded
audio buffered in 8192 sample-frame blocks
SFDIR undefined.  using current directory
writing 65536-byte blks of floats to arg.aif (AIFF)
ftable 1:
ftable 2:
new alloc for instr 1:
B  0.000 ..  4.000 T  4.000 TT  4.000 M:19043136.019462674.0
new alloc for instr 2:
B  4.000 ..  9.000 T  9.000 TT  9.000 M:  10000.5  19708.7
end of score.          overall amps:19043136.019462674.0
0 errors in performance
49 65536-byte soundblks of floats written to arg.aif (AIFF)

**Total Rendering time was:  1.66666 secs


just getting started really.  whats my damage...?
