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Re: Spectral Extraction

Date1999-07-02 16:55
FromJ P Fitch
SubjectRe: Spectral Extraction
Last documentation I can find in a quick look is
-rw-r--r--   1 jpff     comp        17072 Jan  5  1997 /home/jpff/MUSIC/csound/karpen.rtf
-rw-r--r--   1 jpff     comp        10445 Jan  3  1997 /home/jpff/MUSIC/csound/karpen.txt

which starts....

PVOC related unit generators added by Richard Karpen, 1992-1996

kfreq, kamp	pvread		ktimpnt,  ifile, ibin			
		pvbufread	ktimpnt, ifile
ar		pvinterp	ktimpnt, kfmod, ifile, kfreqscale1, kfreqscale2, 
					kampscale1, kampscale2, kfreqinterp, kampinterp
ar		pvcross		ktimpnt, kfmod, ifile, kamp1, kamp2, [ispecwp]
		tableseg	ifn1, idur1, ifn2[, idur2, ifn3[...]]
		tablexseg	ifn1, idur1, ifn2[, idur2, ifn3[...]]
ar		vpvoc		ktimpnt, kfmod, ifile, [ispecwp]


pvread reads from a pvoc file and returns the frequency and amplitude
from a single anaylsis channel or bin. The returned values can be used
anywhere else in the csound instrument. For example, one can use them
as arguments to an oscillator to synthesize a single component from an
analyzed signal or a bank of pvreads can be used to resynthesize the
analyzed sound using additive synthesis by passing the frequency and
magnitude values to a bank of oscillators.


I do have some other files from RichardK on my portable, which is not here.
Will check over weekend.

Date1999-07-02 17:00
FromRichard Karpen
SubjectRe: Spectral Extraction
Attachmentspvadd.html  adsyn.html  
Attached are the man pages for pvadd and pvoc that include the additions
of spectral extraction and amplitude gating. They have been used to
great effect here at the UW already, so I hope that others will be
able to now take advantage of these utilities.


 Richard Karpen
 Professor, Music Composition and Computer Music
 Director, Center for Advanced Research Technology
	in the Arts and Humanities (CARTAH)
 Box 353680
 University of Washington
 Seattle, WA 98195

 Phone: (206) 543-7130  FAX: (206) 685-9499
 email: karpen@u.washington.edu
 www:   http://faculty.washington.edu/~karpen