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pluck wierdness

Date1999-08-13 21:11
Fromcraig routt
Subjectpluck wierdness
lately i have been experimenting with pluck and fm time domain

and i would like to build my own pluck but to put an fm in series with the 

feed back loop. do i need alot of lines of c to define patch points for 

another .orc to fit into, or can i use a zak as control to the fm

instrument as well as the patch cords to plug a fm orc in series with

the manual feed back loop. so the swept frequency acts like a resonator

like a guitar body for instance , to dopler shift the fundamental or just 
over tones if you run thru a filter first, was what i thinking.

although i have seen alot of fabulous .orcs, i need to put fm into the 
loop itself.

thank you 



Hmm, good question. I haven't tried it myself. I haven't had time to play
with the zak patch stuff yet. You might wanna try referring it to the list
instead. Sorry I couldn't be of help.

On 11 Aug 1999, craig routt wrote:

> hi
> how are you today?
> i am fine . i was just curious, can you run the midi input
> to  the zaks, then use the zaks like a p field input?
> thanks in advance.
> craig routt
> jasonf@ivy.the-i.net wrote:
> Just wanted to let you know that I finally got the unnoficial Linux Csound
> compiled and running. I had a few little problems, but was able to work
> around them. It seems that the code comes with a config.cache with it, so
> ./configure doesn't search for all your paramaters. I just deleted that
> and manually configured the Make.Variables to my liking. 
> There seem to be a few files written in C++ that use g++. I couldn't find
> where to specify which C++ compiler to used. When g++ saw my CFLAGS I set
> for pgcc it croaked, so I just when into the Make.Variables and took out
> the special flags. Next time I compile (to add ALSA support) I'd like to
> set it to use pg++. Where would I set that?
> One last thing. I've been using a simple .orc to run with midi input:
>         instr 1
> ichnl = 1
> inum    notnum
> kfreq   cpsmidib
> iamp    ampmidi inum*100
> asig    oscil   iamp,kfreq,1
>         out     asig
> endin
> I seem to have two problems. First I can't set the bend range to over 2
> semitones. I looked through the Csound Manual and tried to use the
> bendrange opcodes, but they didn't seem to work. 
> Also, the sound is really crackly. Every note on/off has that record pop
> sound going on. When I play numerous notes at the same time, it also gives
> me a nasty digital distortion. I think it's just overloading my
> soundcard's output, since I can turn the sound down in aumix and the
> distortion vanishes. The note on pop remains though.
> Thanks for putting up with all my questions,
> Jason