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Re: [Fwd: Generating scores]

Date1999-09-22 01:25
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectRe: [Fwd: Generating scores]

>Many people write their own score generating languages using C, Perl, or
>in my case Pascal. The program I wrote takes ASCII text files as input
>and produces .sco files as output. A description is on my web site. Can
>others on the list discuss how they do the score generation?

I have tried the following for scores:

Excel and Perl.

I've been doing a fair amount of algorithmic composition in keykit which
generates a MIDI file which could then be used with Csound's MIDI opcodes.

I wonder if you could capture a Rebirth sequence to a MIDI file and then
render it with Csound using the MIDI opcodes.  There are a bunch other
software emulations of analog sequencers which should be useful for
generating techno.

Hans Mikelson