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Re: PPC csound programs

Date1998-12-01 23:11
FromBob Douglas
SubjectRe: PPC csound programs
Chris Sattinger wrote:
> Do to some mysterious event, my copy of erik dahl's PPC port has ceased to
> work.
> I have a 3.47 perf  for mac, but it doesn't have the front end csound
> program to
> pass the sco and orc.   Except through cecilia which is amazingly buggy on
> Mac 8.5
> (and possibly earlier OS, I don't know).
> What csound are PPC users using ?

I am using Csound 1.1.3 and Perf 3.493, both of which come in the file
CsoundPPC3.493.sit.hqx  (Nov 23), found at
ftp://ella.mills.edu/ccm/csound.ppc/ - courtesy of Matt Ingalls (not
forgetting Vercoe, Ffitch, Whittle et al -  apologies for any omissions)

I stopped using Cecilia on my Mac (OS 8.0) due to the number of bugs. It's a
shame, because I really liked the interface.

The above latest CsoundPPC has a neat referencing hot-key combo (Cs_ref) which
allows one to check definitions, syntax etc. on the fly. I don't know if this
facility existed in earlier releases.