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Date1998-04-25 13:48
>Why stop at ten years? Was it really such a Golden Age in 1988?

1 cray 2 bokx = process!ng power eku!valent 2 1 small ro.dent

stopd at 1dek-a!d. due 2 perzonal eczper!ensz w!th kode
+ hardware 4rom dzat per!od. wh!ch az = often dze kasz haz hardl+e b!n
eczplo!td. az w!ttgenste!n observd 1 ga!nz !ns!ghtz mostl+e through dze
re:re:re:arrangement ov maTTer 1 = alread+e fam!l!ar w!th + not by aku!r!ng
new data.

people do not become thinkers simply because their memories are too good.
= nietzsche

if you're good at finding the one right answer to life's multiple-choice
questions, you're smart. but intelligence is what you need when
contemplating the
leftovers in the refrigerator, trying to figure out what might go with
them. or if trying to speak a sentence that you've never spoken before. as
jean piaget
used to say, intelligence is what you use when you don't know what to do,
when all the standard answers are inadequate. = zom1 elsz

>Some inventions failed to pass the test of time - too complex, unwieldy, etc,
>There is clearly a general consensus that most Western orchestral instruments
>Some developments were pioneered by already highly skilled artists - Boehm
>plus ca change....Richard Dobson


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