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silly name restrictions was:Re: Phasor notes

Date1999-08-29 06:40
Frompete moss
Subjectsilly name restrictions was:Re: Phasor notes
sorry, i need to vent here.

i think the whole idea of avoiding an initial a, k, or i in an opcode
name is a silly thing in some cases.  granted, there doesnt need to be
ipow, kpow, and apow if there can just be pow.  but alpassn -> lpassn ? 
why?  i also dont agree that agogobel should have been changed to
gogobel.  some opcodes should be left alone.  starting with a, k or i
shouldnt be banned if it makes sense!  alpassn makes some sense whereas
lpassn doesnt.  besides, a good programmer should be able to avoid using
reserved keywords in code.  i dont write code in c and use variables
named if, asm, or static.  i think we have gone too far in this not
polluting the variable namespace issue.  a few things need to be changed
back to what they were.


> You probably know that the initial letter should usually not be