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Date1998-05-26 23:17
FromJean-Michel DARREMONT
Hi Csounders,

Excuse me I don't understand:

 >s>   - octdown converts a, or k, signals to d signals
>I do not know what you mean my a d signal.  octdown produces asignal
>from asignal.

It's true that the manual suggest that octdown converts a-signal to
 dsig octdown xsig, iocts, isamps[, idisprd]
 wsig noctdft dsig, iprd, ifrqs, iq[, ihann, idbout, idsines]

 >s>   - noctdft converts d signals to w signals
>No longer exists

 >s>   - spectral opcodes use the w signals

 But how to get a w-signal? Nothing is mentioned anywhere.

 >s>   - octdown + noctdft are the only opcodes which produce
 >s>     w-signals and the spectral opcodes are the only which
 >s>     can use them (are specaddm, specfilt, specptrk, ecc. the
 >s>     spectral opcodes?).

>Do.  octdown produces a-sig, and w-data is produced by spectrum.  Yes
>there are a number of opcodes which use w-data

What do you mean by w-data is produced by spectrum?
I know what is a spectrum, I understand what is w-data but how to
operate that in CSound?
I can't find anything in any manual.



