| Hi all,
DirectCsound 3.0 is available for download on my site:
It involves the following features:
1) Windows DirectSoundCapture support (-+C flag). Low latency audio
input (for those audio cards that support it in native mode).
2) Windows DirectSound support of secondary buffers (-+S flag. This
makes DirectCsound compatible with more Windows platforms).
3) Support realtime three-dimensional audio (surround audio with some
audio cards): Microsoft's DirectSound3D and Creative's EAX 2.0
4) Windows DirectSound3D support. New opcodes: Init3dAudio, Out3d,
DsListenerPosition, DsListenerOrientation, DsListenerRolloffFactor,
DsListenerDistanceFactor, DsListenerSetAll, DsMode, DsPosition,
DsMinDistance, DsMaxDistance, DsConeAngles, DsConeOrientation,
DsConeOutsideVolume, DsSetAll, DsEaxSetDeferredFlag,
5) Creative's EAX 2.0 support: New opocodes: EaxListenerEnvironment,
EaxListenerEnvSize, EaxListenerEnvDiffusion, EaxListenerRoom,
EaxListenerRoomHF, EaxListenerDecayTime, EaxListenerDecayTimeHfRatio,
EaxListenerReflections, EaxListenerReflectionsDelay, EaxListenerReverb,
EaxListenerReverbDelay, EaxListenerRoomRolloff,
EaxListenerAirAbsorption, EaxListenerFlags, EaxListenerAll,
EaxSourceDirect, EaxSourceDirectHF, EaxSourceRoom, EaxSourceRoomHF,
EaxSourceObstruction, EaxSourceObstructionRatio, EaxSourceOcclusion,
EaxSourceOcclusionRatio, EaxSourceOcclusionRoomRatio,
EaxSourceRoomRolloff, EaxSourceAirAbsorption, EaxSourceOutsideVolumeHF,
EaxSourceFlags, EaxsourceAll
6) Termination action in response of a MIDI 0xF5 message (which at
present time is not used for any other purpose). So to terminate a
realtime session of DirectCsound is sufficient to send a 0xF5 byte via
MIDI. This help with shells, and makes useless to focus Csound console
and to press Ctrl-C. VMCI Plus 2.01 supports this feature.
Gabriel Maldonado
http://web.tiscalinet.it/G-Maldonado |