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Re: cmusic Was: Csound and other synthesis systems

Date1999-06-17 08:47
FromRobin Whittle
SubjectRe: cmusic Was: Csound and other synthesis systems
Sean Costello wrote, in part:

> I would love to have a provision in Csound, where a separate kr=sr 
> loop could be set up within an orchestra, for those techniques that 
> require feedback to work. Or can this be done with the zak 
> ugens?

If you are keen, you can use some table read and write ugens I wrote
to read ksmps audio samples into a function table, then do whatever
processing you like on them with k-rate code, and then write them out
to an audio variable of ksmps a-rate samples again.  

This gets you past the limitations of a-rate ugens, and enables you to
do arbitrarily complex processing on a sample-by-sample basis - as if
ksmps was 1.  This would be ideal for chaotic generators, filters and
probably quite a few other things. Intermediate storage from one set
of a-rate samples to the next could be achieved with local k-rate

Of course it is slow, but it is probably faster to code a small but
crucial part of a piece like this and run the rest at ksmps >= 5 or
so, than run the entire piece at ksmps = 1.

The ugens are:  tablera and tablewa

This URL at an old copy of the Csound manual at my web site gives
