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Command line alteration of AIFF instrument parameters.

Date1998-08-25 03:58
SubjectCommand line alteration of AIFF instrument parameters.
I have made a command line utility which is capable of manipulating
some of the more obscure parameters found in an AIFF soundfile.
The program is called 'basef' and can be found at:

This is a Linux ELF binary with source that should compile on others.

I made it because I needed to change the implied base frequency of
aiff format files, but I went on to allow changes to any of the
parameters that reside in the 'instrument' chunk of the file.  The
instrument chunk is created if non-existent.

The program is useful to Csound users who use the 'loscil' ugen.
The idea is to record a real instrument at various pitches, into
a bank of AIFF files, updating each one with 'basef' to hold its own
true base frequency.  Now when a sample is called from loscil,
Csound reconciles the current sample rate with the AIFF file's
sample rate and base frequency in order to produce the correct
audible pitch specified in the call to loscil!

The program is very new, and not very tested.  It works quite well, but
please don't use it on your Master's Thesis without making a copy first.

Oh, and I used a lot of the Csound source code to read and write to the
