| You obviously have very little imagination if all you can think to do with
pro-sequencers is to create standard techno ( which IS very dull music ) or
plastified classical or jazz arrangements. There is so much more that can
be done. I use Cakewalk Pro Audio for creating music out of sounds created
in a variety of ways, including waveshaping with Soundforge and sounds
generated with csound. So far I haven't produced anything much, but then
the same can be said for csound. It's not the tool you use, but how you use
it. Only those with no creativity produce boring music; and only those who
have no idea what they are talking about can say that all forms of techno
are the same to them. Techno is just like any other musical form
including classical, jazz, opera, country, anything you care to name ) -
MOST OF IT IS COMPLETE CRAP!!!!!!!!!! and then there is the good stuff.
All opera sounds the same to me ( and I hate the sound ) but I have friends
who love it, and I respect that they see it in a different way to me; and
most importantly, although I don't like it, I respect the creativity of
those who do it well, and I understand that it has musical worth. You
cannot shoot something down because you have no understanding of it; and
for the record - the techno that I like you will not hear on the radio, or
the tube, or on tv, or whatever, becuse it's not commercial crap like what
you generally get fed by the media.
important note : I listen to many forms of music other than techno, and I
rate them all the same - if they're good, they're good.
if I've misinterpreted anything you've said, set me straight
if I've offended you in any way, maybe you shouldn't get offended so easily
Paul Barrett
> I have no personal interest whatsoever in promoting Steinberg, but VST
> apparently can be used freely, and I think it is the best way to go for
> who want their dsp code, whether free or commercial, to be widely and
> efficiently used for making "real" music (I mean with professional-grade
Come on, with those pro-sequencers you cannot go further than recreating
some plastified
classical or jazz arrangements or derive to some tonal, 4/4 based techno
stuff (techno,
jungle, drum&bass, etc. all the same for me). I rarely use them (neither
MIDI lately) in my
music. If "real" music = music people dance at the disco/ music you hear at
the tube
stations, maybe Ill agree with you, but that is not certainly an extremely
challenge IMHO.
Josep M Comajuncosas
C/ Circumval.lacio 75 08790 Gelida - Penedes
Catalunya - SPAIN
home phone : 93 7792243 / 00 34 3 7792243
Csound page at http://members.tripod.com/csound/