| that did indeed fix the problem, thanks. I of course first thing looked up
loscil in the manual, but frankly, could get no help from the discussion re
my problem. I still don't really understand why the extra 440 is needed,
though, since indeed the file was literally 440 cps, so it would have seemed
no 'over ride' was necessary?
----- Original Message -----
From: rasmus ekman
To: Csound list
Sent: Sunday, June 20, 1999 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: loscil/Csound Book/
> Jim Smitherman wrote:
> >
> > I'm having trouble with Dr Boulangers' instr 106
> > a1 loscil 10000, 440, 4
> > I generated a 3 second 44.1 mono wav file at A 440 using Cool Edit,
> > in the compilation, I get the error:
> > INIT ERROR in instr 106: no legal base frequency
> Excerpts from LOSCIL entry of Csound manual:
> ar1 [,ar2] loscil xamp, kcps, ifn[, ibas] [,imod1,ibeg1,iend1] [,
> ibas (optional) - base frequency in cps of the recorded sound.
> This optionally overrides the frequency given in the AIFF file,
> but is required if the file did not contain one.
> The default value is 0 (no override).
> End excerpt.
> So, an extra argument like this:
> a1 loscil 10000, 440, 4, 440
> should make it work.
> If the chapter text does not mention some specific file having
> this info (chunk), it may be a problem in the text. Still, the
> error message *is* somewhat informative, and so should help.
> Good luck,
> re |