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Re: MIDI event duration

Date1999-02-05 21:39
FromJosep M Comajuncosas
SubjectRe: MIDI event duration

the Physicist wrote:

> I would say that's not possible. MIDI just sends NOTE_ON, then
> NOTE_OFF, no duration time.

I meant from a midi file, not from incoming midi events.

> Why exactly do you need this duration time ?

I needed it to make the release time of the envelope dependent on the note
duration. Longer note -> longer release.

> For my MIDI instruments, I always use 'madsr' in combination with
> 'xtratim':

Hmm thanks for the idea. I´ve not worked too much with the MIDI opcodes and I
didn´t knew anything about xtratim. Nice idea to use it!

Josep M Comajuncosas