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The Csound Book - Table of Contents

Date1998-09-30 18:37
FromRichard Boulanger
SubjectThe Csound Book - Table of Contents
Perspectives in Software Synthesis, Sound Design, Signal Processing &

Edited by Richard Boulanger

I.	Preface - Max Mathews
II.	Foreword - Barry Vercoe
III.Introduction - Richard Boulanger
IV.	Acknowledgments - Richard Boulanger
V.	Dedication - to the memory of Dr. Robert L. Cooper

Software Synthesis

Csound Fundamentals

1.	Introduction to Sound Design in Csound - Richard Boulanger
2.	Understanding and Using Csound's GEN Routines - Jon Christopher
3.	What Happens When You Run Csound - John ffitch
4.	Optimizing Your Csound Instruments - Paris Smaragdis
5.	Using Csound's Macro Language Extensions - John ffitch

Imitative Synthesis

6.	Designing Acoustically Viable Instruments in Csound - Stephen David
7.	Designing Legato Instruments in Csound - Richard Dobson
8.	Contiguous-Group Wavetable Synthesis of the French Horn in Csound -
Andrew Horner & Lydia Ayers
9.	FM Synthesis and Morphing in Csound: from Percussion to Brass -
Brian Evans
10.	Modeling "Classic" Electronic Keyboards in Csound - Hans Mikelson

Algorithmic Synthesis

11.	A Survey of Classic Synthesis Techniques in Csound - Rajmil
12.	A Guide to FM Implementation in Csound - Russell Pinkston
13.	A Guide to Granular Synthesis in Csound - Allan S. C. Lee
14.	A Guide to FOF and FOG Synthesis in Csound - Michael Clarke
15.	Processing Samples with Csound's FOF Opcode - Per Byrne Villez

Mathematical Models

16.	A Look at Random Numbers, Noise and Chaos with Csound - John ffitch

17.	Constrained Random Event Generation and Retriggering in Csound -
Russell Pinkston
18.	Using Global Csound Instruments for Meta-Parameter Control - Martin
19.	Mathematical Modeling with Csound: From Waveguides to Chaos - Hans

Signal Processing

Understanding Signal Processing through Csound

20.	An Introduction to Signal Processing with Csound - Erik Spjut
21.	Understanding Csound's Spectral Data Types - Barry Vercoe

Delay, Chorus, Reverberation and 3D Audio

22.	Using Csound to Understand Delay Lines and their Applications -
Russell Pinkston
23.	An Introduction to Reverberation Design with Csound - Eric Lyon
24.	Implementing the Gardner Reverbs in Csound - Hans Mikelson
25.	Csound-based Auditory Localization - David McIntyre and Eli Breder

Working with Csound's Signal Processing Utilities

26.	Convolution in Csound: Traditional and Novel Applications - Erik
27.	Working with Csound's ADSYN, LPREAD and LPRESON Opcodes - Magdalena
28.	Csound's Phase Vocoder and Extensions - Richard Karpen

Modeling Commercial Signal Processing Applications

29.	Efficient Implementation of Analog Waveshaping in Csound - Michael
30.	Modeling a Multi-Effects Processor in Csound - Hans Mikelson


Adding Opcodes

31.	Extending Csound - John ffitch
32.	Adding New Unit Generators to Csound - Marc Resibois


1. List of Csound Book Instruments
2. Recommended Reading
3. Recommended Listening
4. The Csound Reference Manual - Barry Vercoe et. al
5. Error Messages
6. Formants Values
7. Sound Intensity Values
8. Pitch Conversion
9. Quick Reference
10. Index

Dr. Richard Boulanger
Professor - Music Synthesis Department
Berklee College of Music
1140 Boylston Street  - Boston, MA  02215-3693
Phone: (617) 747-2485   Fax: (617) 536-2257
rcb@media.mit.edu * rboulanger@berklee.edu* http://www.tiac.net/users/rcb

Date1998-11-03 13:13
SubjectQ: PMAX-how to extend?
g'day all, excuse me if this has been covered before. Im wishing to extend
the PMAX value in csound. Currently its default is 150 (giving you 149
possible values in a table). I'm needing 800+ .

I am storing floating point numbers in a gen 2 table to transpose grains
in a fog instrument-

f20.00 0 1024.00 -2  1.03 1.05 1.07 1.08 1.06 1.09 1.09 1.15 .... 

I tried setting PMAX to higher values in my cs.h file and recompiling 
but this has not extended PMAX to anything higher than 150.:

sorting score ...
sread: instr pcount exceeds PMAX
         sect 1 line 3
      remainder of line flushed
        ... done

 Is there another step involved or am I barking up the wrong tree?




Date1998-11-03 17:35
FromErik Spjut
SubjectRe: Q: PMAX-how to extend?
It's not a permanent solution but I store floats in a soundfile (using a
separate program) and use table to read them if I REALLY need more than 150

At 12:13 AM +1100 11/4/98, dlock@acs.itd.uts.edu.au wrote:
>g'day all, excuse me if this has been covered before. Im wishing to extend
>the PMAX value in csound. Currently its default is 150 (giving you 149
>possible values in a table). I'm needing 800+ .
>I am storing floating point numbers in a gen 2 table to transpose grains
>in a fog instrument-
>f20.00 0 1024.00 -2  1.03 1.05 1.07 1.08 1.06 1.09 1.09 1.15 ....
>I tried setting PMAX to higher values in my cs.h file and recompiling
>but this has not extended PMAX to anything higher than 150.:
>sorting score ...
>sread: instr pcount exceeds PMAX
>         sect 1 line 3
>      remainder of line flushed
>        ... done
> Is there another step involved or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Erik Spjut (spyoot, rhymes with cute) - Associate Professor of Engineering
and  Associate Director for Engineering Computing,  Center for Design Education
Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711-5990  USA
Erik_Spjut@hmc.edu      Ph & Voice mail (909) 607-3890      Fax (909) 621-8967