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Re: FM with feedback loop?

Date1999-08-12 01:47
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectRe: FM with feedback loop?

>I am new to Csound and I have tried to make a FM algorithm with feedback

I don't know about Visual Orchestra but the trick is to init the variable to
0 before the loop back, something like:

      instr 1

iamp  =     p4
ifqc  =     cpspch(p5)
iatt  =     p6
adec  =     p7
islev =     p8
irel  =     p9

a1    init  0

aenv  adsr  iatt, idec, islev, irel

a1    oscil aenv, ifqc*(1+a1), 1

      outs  a1, a1


The pitch tends to drift somewhat though I think.

Hans Mikelson