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music-dsp list (was oneoverf)

Date1998-07-02 10:21
FromPedro Batista
Subjectmusic-dsp list (was oneoverf)
Richard Dobson wrote:

>There is active discussion of this on the music-dsp list at the moment.

sorry, I dont know that list's address, can you send it to me, please?


Date1998-07-02 11:36
FromRobin Whittle
SubjectRe: music-dsp list (was oneoverf)
BTW, the Music DSP home page, with joining and archive
information, is at:


- Robin


Robin Whittle     rw@firstpr.com.au  http://www.firstpr.com.au
                  Heidelberg Heights, Melbourne, Australia 

First Principles  Research and expression: music, Internet 
                  music marketing, telecommunications, human 
                  factors in technology adoption. Consumer 
                  advocacy in telecommunications, especially 
                  privacy. Consulting and technical writing. 

Real World        Electronics and software for music: eg.
Interfaces        the Devil Fish mods for the TB-303. 
