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Re: oscil3: bug or feature - oops!

Date1999-01-18 22:46
Frompete moss
SubjectRe: oscil3: bug or feature - oops!
i realized why you did multiple periods after i wrote the email.  sorry for
i also agree that gen8 beats oscil3 (at least in the middle), but oscil3
sure is much better than the other oscilators.


Greg Sullivan - SHL wrote:

> Pete,
> The reason I used multiple cycles in Gen08 is that I wanted
> to compare apples to apples. Gen08 does not, to the best of
> my knowledge, interpolate with wraparound - it treats the
> ftable as a linear list, instead of a cyclic list. Naturally,
> we want to test the  interpolation for continuous tones,
> not a single cycle. Oscil3 interpolates the table with wraparound.
> So, I used multiple cycles, and when I did the spectral analysis,
> I used the "stable" part of the waveform, without the yucky things that
> happen at the end
> points. I believe that my test makes both oscil3 and Gen08
> do exactly the same amount of interpolation - as far as
> practical, anyway.
> But yes, I did make a mistake and leave off the end point.
> That wouldn't change the results I don't think, because I didn't
> use that part of the waveform anyway. If anything, it would
> only make Gen08 even better than it already is.
> Seeing that Gen08 is performing better than oscil3, I agree
> with Gabriel that oscil3 (et al) should be examined closely,
> to determine why this difference is occurring.
> Greg.