| Hi,
I have a problem about midi-real-time on Mac: I suppose this has been
already discussed
but unfortunately, after many unsuccesseful tries to reach the FAQ
I'm forced to ask someone to help me:
I use a Mac computer 9600/200Mhz;
I tried to control a very simple archestra via a midi keyboard;
everything works but with an unacceptable delay.
Yes, I tried with different buffers lengths and
taking care of many other things (screen-save and other things off)
Naturally I'm using OMS.
I suppose the problem is known: is the solution as well known?
Thanks a lot.
Leonello Tarabella
Computer Music Lab of CNUCE/C.N.R.
via Santa Maria 36 - 56126 Pisa, ITALY
tel. +39/50/593276 - fax +39/50/904052