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Date1999-07-05 22:05
Dear Webmaster, dear Csounders

think it is time now to filter 'f1f0@m9ndfukc.com' from
the mailing lists and out of my box. I got more than
40 redirected off topic messages sent via

  h3o@www.god-emil.dk, "networking" ,
  olala Paris , typedmess@www.god-emil.dk,
  B.Richard@kunst.uni-frankfurt.de,  flash art 

Probably he reaches tenthousands of people with his 'mailart' ?
Headers always look like the following while the To: changes

  Envelope-to: rubo@berlin.snafu.de
  Delivery-date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 07:23:52 +0200
  From: f1f0@m9ndfukc.com
  X-Sender: f1f0@m9ndfukc.com (Unverified)
  Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 00:24:31 -0600
  To: h3o@www.god-emil.dk
  Subject: \ ot t t t t \
  Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk

I told him more than one time to stop spammin9, but he didn't.
This was his answer ...

  Envelope-to: rubo@berlin.snafu.de
  Delivery-date: Mon, 28 Jun 1999 00:06:39 +0200
  From: f1f0@m9ndfukc.com
  Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 17:08:30 -0600
  To: RĂ¼diger  Borrmann 
  Subject: 9v7x/p79


  please abort harassing me.

  v!eln dank.

If we can not filter f1f0@m9ndfukc.com, it probably would be
the best to return all unread off topic messages directly to its
sender f1f0@m9ndfukc.com. So he can read it himself.

Best regards
Ruediger Borrmann

f1f0@m9ndfukc.com fu9k yOurSe1f