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who is =cw4t7abs

Date1998-05-28 17:58
FromDaniel Fattorini
Subjectwho is =cw4t7abs
Who is this person, or not as the case may be. My guess is that =cw4t7abs is
a government conspiracy to confuse all csound users.

Date1998-05-28 20:55
SubjectRe: who is =cw4t7abs
	Yes, it is obviously a covert plan to confound and demoralize the last
bastion of intelligent and creative technologist artists via the 'Babel'
	But in any case, I sure wish he/she/it would stop polluting the list
bandwidth. I can't even say the messages are annoying, because they would
have to be deciphered or decipherable to be annoying.

At 05:58 PM 5/28/98 +0100, Daniel Fattorini wrote:
>Who is this person, or not as the case may be. My guess is that =cw4t7abs is
>a government conspiracy to confuse all csound users.

	thank you for your bandwidth