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Re: panning

Date1998-12-29 07:23
FromPaul Winkler
SubjectRe: panning
Kevin Gallagher wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who has replied to my query about midi networking.  I
> will try this and report how it turns out!
> I have another question, and this actually pertains more or less to
> csound.:
> I pose this to PC users:  when I write a script that pans hard left or
> hard right, the result is a sound that is not fully in the specified
> speaker.  It's more like a 70/30 split.  It's not just csound either...I
> tried a bunch of applications.  Each time I make sure sound is being sent
> to one side and nothing is being sent to the opposite side, I get the
> 70/30 split rather than 100/0.  Some machines, however, work okay in that
> I CAN get hard left or right.  I called IBM tech support and they were
> not too helpful.  Has anyone here experience this problem with stereo
> imaging?  I have a PnP Audio Crystal FM Synthesis soundcard (built into
> the system) and I wonder if it's my card that's causing the problem.

One possibility is that your soundcard has some sort of "surround sound"
going on there.  If so, there should be a way to turn it off. With my
soundcard (a Turtle Beach Malibu, which is also based on a Crystal
chip), I've noticed that if the "SRS 3-D Surround Sound" is turned on,
panning does weird and unwanted things much like you describe. It also
adds a lot of hiss, so I always have it turned off.