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Re: Sparks

Date1998-05-02 13:54
FromPaul Winkler
SubjectRe: Sparks
I'm not making it up.  I live in a semi-industrial neighborhood of 
Brooklyn, NY. I wouldn't call the basement a "sonic paradise"-- it 
doubles as my band's practice space, and it's a bit on the live side for 
that, especially in the low end. It's tolerable, though, and the reason 
we haven't done anything to the tanks is that they sound really 
interesting both as reverb devices (you can crank open a hatch at one 
end and stick mics INSIDE it!) and as percussion instruments. 
Lonnnnggggggg decay time...

We've already played on them and sung into them and so forth, recorded 
some things.  It's just that this thread about convolution and impulse 
responses got me wondering if I could, so to speak, take them with me 
when we inevitably move out. :)


>Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 01:59:10 +0000
>From: Larry Troxler 
>To: Paul Winkler 
>CC: csound@noether.ex.ac.uk
>Subject: Re: Sparks
>Paul Winkler wrote:
>> Well, OK, maybe my house per se is boring, but how 'bout the 4' 
>> x 15' long empty stainless steel tanks in the basement? They sound

>Wow. I kind of get the feeling you might not be making this up, and
>really do have a sonic
>paradise down there! (Or am I a sucker for another hoax?)
>Don't wait until you figure out the impulse response stuff - Just get
>some good mikes down there and record all sorts of things :-). Figure
>out what to do with it later :-)
>--  Larry Troxler --  lt@westnet.com  --  Patterson, NY USA  --

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