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Cakewalk and CSound

Date1999-03-25 01:22
FromLonce LaMar Wyse
SubjectCakewalk and CSound
I'm also a Cakewalk+CSound user.

They don't like to run on the same machine, the symptom being sound
"breakup" (my guess is the problem is over-taxing the easily over-taxed
Windows timer mechanism), so I run Cakewalk on an older slower machine
and run a MIDI cable to my laptop running csound. A keybaord, Peavy 1600
MIDI controller or WX-5 windcontroller are all great for jamming with
prerecorded tracks.

One nice thing about Cakewalk is the "instrument definition files" which
allow you to assign names to note numbers, and names to controllers that
show up in the cakewalk environment. Very very handy.

Cakewalk 8 allows you to import videos - then you can frame-by-fram
synch video to Csound events and parameter changes.... are we having fun

- lonce