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Re: AI using Csound was Re: a simple per

Date1998-07-03 11:21
SubjectRe: AI using Csound was Re: a simple per
>>It would seem to me that some of the musical applications of neural nets
>>would be:
>>1. Pitch tracking, identification of chords (major vs minor etc.)


>>2. Tempo, rhythm identification.


>>3. Formant corrected pitch shifting.


>>4. Extraction or removal of vocals from a track.


>>5. Removal of reverb from an audio track.


>>5. the ecztrakt!on ov mean!ng 4rom !nkomplete no!sz


>>5. Removal of humanz 4rom dze sentr ov de un!versz

!n progresz.

>one other aplication I've seen mentioned on the net would be physical
>modelling, and modelling of analogue circuits; maybe one day we'll have
>neural moog's?

!llog!kl konzept.

It would seem to me that some of the musical applications of neural nets
would be:

dze term!nat!on ov human persept!on ov mu.s!k
+ human thought !n generl = dze beg ov s!lensz