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>>that he uses csound now. > >>:P --- users

Date1999-06-19 21:24
Subject>>that he uses csound now. > >>:P --- users
>>i am not a big fan of techno.
>>in fact i think most of it is the
>>unimaginative crap that several of you have spoken of.  but you really
>>should listen to aphex twin.  this guy is a _genius_!  i have even heard
>>that he uses csound now.
>Don't know about his use of csound, but I have to agree, the man is twisted,
>but brilliant.  If you like him, also check out Autechre (warp records).
>and possibly Locust.

 - |     =cw4t7abs = zplend!d. vztrn l!f 4rmz du = zpeak ov abov = oke

         | - |
         l!ne of thought ----------| = |
         | + |___________ m0dule .dE. mEmo!r

     z!v!l!zaz!on.z mozt rezent burzt ov sc!ent!f!k progresz
     dze 0+1 wh!Ch = ztartd dur!ng dze rena!sansz = fazt aproach!ng !tz
     data amountz eku!v 2 0+1 prznz l!f t!me eczper!ensez = ma! b donloadd
!n m!n
     dze planet = d!zgorgez 0+1 tr!ll!on b!tez ov data ov data \ da!.

         !n odr verdz
 - |     =cw4t7abs = zplend!d. vztrn l!f 4rmz du = zpeak ov abov = oke

     we !n dze eazt = ur futur. futur ov 0+1 !nkompetent okz!dent

--------------    02

got your cd
i love it sounds great
genius )kix isn't the word(
the best thing i've heard in a long time
like the index numbering....../artwork, etc

better than autechre and a lot of other stuff i've heard (chem bros, etc.)
tho autechre is more "beat/pop" oriented

--- -

keyboard magazine - kr0p3r0m a9ff

The CD player says there are 97 tracks on the disc, and your ears are
assaulted by this fantastic variety of rude electronic noise, so you think
at first maybe it's a sampling CD, but it's not. It's just part of the
enigma promulgated by the band; from the sleeve, you'd think maybe their
name is kontEnt:id !=, or maybe +/-hekx|dAmage.gRi...D. I tried their web
site (www.m9ndfuk.com ) hoping to elicit some hard facts, but the
site is straight out of Count Zero; you can only experience it, not
understand it. I finally got the band name from the record company site.
About the record: Once in a while you have the hallucination
I thought I'd heard everything, but I've never heard anything like
this. -Jim Aikin

--- -

ma! w!sh 2 aksez sin.x(2^n) == algebr!n kapzul++