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[mpoirier@virtu.sar.usf.edu: Help writing a new additive synthesis opcode]

Date1999-10-13 12:42
Subject[mpoirier@virtu.sar.usf.edu: Help writing a new additive synthesis opcode]
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X-Sender: mpoirier@virtu.sar.usf.edu
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 18:53:45 -0400

I have an idea for a new opcode, but I am not good enough at C to code it,
so I am calling for the aid of a kind opcode-coding expert to help me.  It
is an additive synthesis opcode that uses PVANAL-generated PVC files &
allows for more complex frequency manipulation than pvoc or pvadd do.  If
you would be interested in helping, please let me know.

Marc Poirier