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new to the game

Date1999-02-11 04:27
Subjectnew to the game
I new to csound and seem to be very interested in
silence but I'm am not sure how to set it up?
does anyone have  detailed install directions
for this? The instructions on the web site just don't
do it for me!?  as I said I am new to this stuff
I am also very interested in using csound
in reatime!  Has anyone had musch success with this?
I know about directsound 2.6 but keep getting error
messages about my MIDI setup.  I am running Csound
on a PI 233MMX with a Awe64 and  Layla audio cards.

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Date1999-02-11 17:50
FromRobert Schrepel
SubjectRe: new to the game
Welcome, steb.  You'll find that the list is more responsive 
when you provide details of your problem (relevant orc/sco 
sections, exact content of error messages, etc.).  There are 
a number of experts on the list (I'm not one of them), but they 
won't be able to help out unless they know exactly the nature 
of your situation.  Even then, sometimes you'll get an answer, 
and sometimes you won't.  Just a friendly note from 
a sympathetic person.  Oh, and...
-- I don't use Silence--can't help you there.
-- Yes, many people use Csound in realtime successfully.  
-- You should provide details of your DirectCsound/MIDI problem.  

At 11:27 PM 2/10/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I new to csound and seem to be very interested in
>silence but I'm am not sure how to set it up?
>does anyone have  detailed install directions
>for this? The instructions on the web site just don't
>do it for me!?  as I said I am new to this stuff
>I am also very interested in using csound
>in reatime!  Has anyone had musch success with this?
>I know about directsound 2.6 but keep getting error
>messages about my MIDI setup.  I am running Csound
>on a PI 233MMX with a Awe64 and  Layla audio cards.