I probably still have a Music 11 manual somewhere in a box in my office.
Remind me and I'll look for it!
On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, Sean Costello wrote:
> Hi all:
> Does anyone know the Csound equivalents of pipdef, pipad, pipadv, and
> piprd in Music 11? I know that they correspond - roughly - to delayr,
> deltap, deltapi, and delayw, but I am not clear on how. They seem to
> work...backwards. I have a nice bit of Music 11 code in front of me
> (from the article "Designing Multi-Channel Reverberators" by John
> Stautner and Miller Puckette, CMJ Vol.6 No.1, Spring 1982, p. 52-65),
> and most of it makes sense (the variable typing, tone, reson, randi,
> if...kgoto), but the above unit generators have thrown me for a loop.
> Any tips?
> Thanks,
> Sean Costello
> P.S. In an older article, Stephen Travis Pope wrote about how Csound was
> able to run all legacy Music 11 code. Is this true? Can I just type in
> this score and have it run? Or have the old opcodes been wiped?
> |