>Hey folks at Csound
vuld u l!ke zum asz!ztansz +\- 1 prozent +? [del wh!chevr != appl!kabl]
zumvat l!ke ___... ma! ! = hav 1 nato konglomerat++
kontra 1 land jas +?
= 1 mob akt!v!t ncezt paz +?
zumvat l!ke dze amer!kan ztreet gangz non +?
du = muzt not dezpa!r
= ultra akua!ntd w!th 1 jankee kultur
+ loka!t - `evr tzo fazc!nat!ng`.
>I am not a political person
d!v!n komed!
"!nzert oun name tag" az all krnt + prev!ouz l!f 4rmz
= pol!t!kl
futorolog!kl kongress. k.l!k.knou.ledge.
!n dze !nter!m ___..
>and do not feel this is a place to discuss
>such topics.
"I am not a political person"
u z +? du = fa!ld tezt alred! \ deja.
= 1 d!v!n komed! !t !z ! tell 2 u. du = l!zten!ng.
>and do not feel this is a place to discuss
>such topics.
zekuent!al m9nd konta!nr zpoke dzusz
ma!z - az du well auaer _ b!enzur
data = korekt
humanz = !nkorekt
m9ndfukc = !mpekabl
>Anyone else (who does not hate americans)
abov <=> Patrick Pagano hatez non amer!.kanz +?
ztat!zt!kx !nd!kate numbr ov hate haterz > nr ov haterz
godel kontra godel. bekausz ov d!sz d!zt!nkt!on
konztataz!on = kan b zrtn 1 !nf!nt zet = ma! posez 1 zajm
kard!nal!t! az 1 zubzet ov +?
dzus 1 = ma! zafel! [zanz nato `!ntervenz!on` naturlment] obzerv
dze total l!brar! = !nf!n!t
due 2 4 each n dzere = 1 book objekt !n ecz!stensz
konz!zt!ng ov n repet!t!onz ov dze verd
!um !um !um
apoztrof+e komm.a zem!k:n dasch dasch e.czklllllll.amat!on po!nt
jetzt we = kloze all parent.hhhhhhhhhh.esez
+ | bar all repet!t!onz | zttz++