The fof unit does allow one to read samples via Gen01 and for what you're
describing Sean, I think you could give fof a try (there's also a fof2).
By rigging the freq of the grain to be sr/table_len (like for sampling)
and making the frequency at which new grains are initiated as often or
seldom as you want, you can might be able to get a flavor of what you're
suggesting you'd like to do. Maybe!
On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Richard Dobson wrote:
> If anyone already replied to this, I missed it...
> this sounds like a basic granular synthesis technique, so some or all of
> the grain/granule opcodes should be able to do it. The full
> 'pitch-synchronous granular synthesis' is a little more tricky, but
> needed if you really want artefact-free time-stretching. Otherwise,
> plain-vanilla granular timestretching can work pretty well; you usually
> need to randomize the start times of the grains a little to reduce, if
> not eliminate, phasing effects. Fof is itself a particular species of
> granular synthesis, but I don't think the opcode lends itself so well to
> what you want to do; it synthesizes the grains rather than reading them
> from a table.
> Richard Dobson
> Sean Costello wrote:
> >
> > Hi Csounders:
> >
> > I have a certain synthesis technique I would like to perform, but I am
> > not sure of the best way to do it. What I would like to do is take a
> > single one-cycle sample of a vocal sound, and trigger that sample at a
> > certain rate. The sample should not change pitch or duration as it is
> > triggered - for triggering rates below the frequency of the original
> > sample, there should be gaps between the triggered samples, while for
> > triggering rates above the frequency of the original sample, the samples
> > should overlap.
> >
> > How would I do this in Csound? Obviously, simply loading the sound into
> > a table and using oscili or a phasor/tablei combination will not yield
> > the desired effect (this would change the pitch of the sample).
> > Convolving the sample with a pulse train would work, but would probably
> > take forever to compute. Can any of the fof routines do this (i.e.
> > trigger a sample once, with the triggering controlled at an audio rate,
> > as opposed to cycling through the sample table and enveloping the
> > result)? Are there other techniques I am overlooking?
> >
> --
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