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pvread question

Date1999-06-25 23:34
Fromchris mercer
Subjectpvread question
This questions may reveal serious csound control-side ignorance but I'll
ask it anyway:  Is there a convenient way of using pvread to play back not
just individual bins but whole groups of bins?  If I have 512 bins and I
want bins 1 through 80 to have a global pitch bend or transposition,
surely I don't have to have 80 i-statements...

Date1999-06-26 03:55
FromRichard Karpen
SubjectRe: pvread question
Try using pvadd.

On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, chris mercer wrote:

> This questions may reveal serious csound control-side ignorance but I'll
> ask it anyway:  Is there a convenient way of using pvread to play back not
> just individual bins but whole groups of bins?  If I have 512 bins and I
> want bins 1 through 80 to have a global pitch bend or transposition,
> surely I don't have to have 80 i-statements...