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[mpoirier@virtu.sar.usf.edu: 2 real-time Csound questions]

Date1999-10-07 12:01
Subject[mpoirier@virtu.sar.usf.edu: 2 real-time Csound questions]
------- Start of forwarded message -------
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 1999 21:02:53 -0400
From: Marc 3 Poirier 
Subject: 2 real-time Csound questions

	Hello.  I am a novice at real-time Csound & have a couple of questions:

	1)  Is it possible to have real-time sound output during instrument
rendering & have that sound written to a file at the same time?
	2)  I want to use two controllers on my MIDI keyboard as my realtime
inputs.  What exactly do I have to do to do this?  I have included these
controller initializing statements in my ORC file (although I don't know
whether they are necessary):

initc7 imidchan, imodwheel, 0
initc7 imidchan, ivolume, 0

(In my ORC file, "imidchan" = 1, "imodwheel" = 1, & "ivolume" = 7.)  I also
included the -M flag in the command line when compiling in Consound.  After
it, I put "sbmidi" because the Csound help file says:

- -M dnam	read MIDI realtime events from device 'dnam' (must be sbmidi)

Csound crashes every time I run this instrument.  When I render it in
Winsound, there is a box for "MIDI Device" in the "Additional Arguements"
window, but there are no options in the box, so I don't pick anything.
Winsound crashes every time, too.  What am I doing wrong?  Do I need to do
anything else?  I use the latest versions of Winsound & Consound on Windows
98 & I use a Turtlebeach Pinnacle soundcard for my MIDI port.

Thank you,
Marc Poirier