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a simple perceptron

Date1998-07-01 11:51
FromPedro Batista
Subjecta simple perceptron
here's a little coding example, a very rudimentary atempt at using neural 
processing based dsp

This is a very simple neural net, that learns audio patterns, and can 
display memory and recognition when presented with learned patterns (even if 
the input data is incomplete), or simply respond with similarity to unknown 
audio data.
You train the net by presenting two audio files, A and B, respectivelly at 
the input and output of the net; this will associate a pattern at least 
similar to A, with the corresponding response B. You can have a number of 
these pairs, three being a practical maximum, before this particular net 
begins forgeting old patterns
To code the audio in net data, the rudimentary approach of calculating the 
16-bit value of the sample and using binary neurons was used. This is fine 
for visual patterns, but I want to use a more audio oriented mapping, using 
the basic audio info like freq and amp (maybe with the aid of pvoc?), and 
continuous neurons, instead of binary ones.
Using more advanced neural nets, dsp could be performed. For example, 
presenting samples of unfiltered and filtered waves, respectively to the 
input and output of the net, it could theoretically learn how to respond as 
a filter to other audio data (the acurateness would be determined by the 
learning process and data), distinct from what was taught
Problem here is I'm actually training a 16 neuron network for each of the 
samples, what makes this instr run sooo slooow! (this example takes about 4 
min in my P200, for half-a-second of audio...). I really would apreciate 
hints on speeding it up (for instance would table write be faster than zak? 
 - guess not).
I also hope that you can help me develop a more audio-prone coding 
algorithm, but I'll get back on that later
I'm working on a more advanced instr using back propagation, and will post 
results when I get it done
In the mean time, hope this rather useless example amuses you :)

; start of orchestra

sr   =    44100
kr   =    44100
ksmps     =    1

     zakinit   1, 295
; A simple single-layer bidirectional perceptron,  ;
; using McCulloch-Pitts algorithm                  ;
;                                                  ;
; Coded for CSound by Pedro Batista jun/98         ;

;* I cannot guarantee bug-free execution,
;* nor can I assure that this instr wont generate
;* high-values, susceptible of causing harm to the
;* listner or listening equipment (it probably will,
;* if unknown patterns are presented, since there's
;* no compression coded yet) - pls use with caution!

     instr     1
inump     init 3 ; number of patterns (maximum 3)
iich1     init 1 ; in channel #1
iich2     init 2 ; in channel #2
iich3     init 3 ; in channel #3
ioch1     init 4 ; out channel #1
ioch2     init 5 ; out channel #2
ioch3     init 6 ; out channel #3
irch init 7 ; stimulus/response channel

ibin init  8; [8-23]
ibout     init 24; [24-39]
ipes init 40; [40-295]

ipass     init 0
isigi     init 0
isigi1    init 0
isigi2    init 0
isigi3    init 0
isigi4    init 0
isigi5    init 0
isigo     init 0
isigo1    init 0
isigo2    init 0
isigo3    init 0
isigo4    init 0
isigo5    init 0
indx init 0
indi init 0
indj init 0
ierr init 0
iact init 0
ipow2     init 0

; skip to performance
     igoto     perf

ini: ;-----------------------------------------------

; initialize weights
indi =    0
indj =    0
     ziw  0, ipes+indi*16+indj
indj =    indj+1
     if (indj<16) igoto loopj
indi =    indi+1
     if (indi<16) igoto loopi

     if (inump<1) igoto off
isigi1    zir  iich1
isigo1    zir  ioch1
     if (inump<2) igoto nosig
isigi2    zir  iich2
isigo2    zir  ioch2
     if (inump<3) igoto nosig
isigi3    zir  iich3
isigo3    zir  ioch3

istim     zir  irch

ipass     =    1
restrt:   ;-----------------------------------------------

; select training signals
     if (ipass==1) igoto case1
     if (ipass==2) igoto case2
     if (ipass==3) igoto case3
     igoto     skip
isigi     =    isigi1
isigo     =    isigo1
     igoto     skip
isigi     =    isigi2
isigo     =    isigo2
     igoto     skip
isigi     =    isigi3
isigo     =    isigo3

; convert input signal to binary
indx =    0
isigi     =    isigi+32768
ibit =    (frac(isigi/2)==0 ? 0:1)
     ziw  ibit, ibin+indx
isigi     =    int(isigi/2)
indx =    indx+1
     if (indx<16) igoto loop1

; convert output signal to binary
indx =    0
isigo     =    isigo+32768
ibit =    (frac(isigo/2)==0 ? 0:1)
     ziw  ibit, ibout+indx
isigo     =    int(isigo/2)
indx =    indx+1
     if (indx<16) igoto loop2

; train pattern
indi =    0
indj =    0
ibi  zir  ibin+indi
ibo  zir  ibout+indj
iw   zir  ipes+indi*16+indj
iw   =    iw+((ibi*2-1)*(ibo*2-1))
     ziw  iw, ipes+indi*16+indj
indj =    indj+1
     if (indj<16) igoto loop4
indi =    indi+1
     if (indi<16) igoto loop3

ipass     =    ipass+1

; proceed with next pattern
     if (ipass<=inump) igoto restrt

; convert stimulus signal to binary
indx =    0
istim     =    istim+32768
ibit =    (frac(istim/2)==0 ? 0:1)
     ziw  ibit, ibin+indx
istim     =    int(istim/2)
indx =    indx+1
     if (indx<16) igoto loop5

; calculate response from stimulus pattern
ierr =    0
indi =    0
ibo  zir  ibout+indi
iact =    0
indj =    0
ibi  zir  ibin+indj
iw   zir  ipes+indj*16+indi
iact =    iact+iw*ibi
indj =    indj+1
     if (indj<16) igoto loop7
     if (iact==0) igoto skp1
iact =    (iact>0 ? 1:0)
ierr =    ierr+abs(iact-ibo)
     ziw  iact, ibout+indi
indi =    indi+1
     if (indi<16) igoto loop6

indi =    0
ibi  zir  ibin+indi
iact =    0
indj =    0
ibo  zir  ibout+indj
iw   zir  ipes+indj*16+indi
iact =    iact+iw*ibo
indj =    indj+1
     if (indj<16) igoto loop9
     if (iact==0) igoto skp2
iact =    (iact>0 ? 1:0)
ierr =    ierr+abs(iact-ibi)
     ziw  iact, ibin+indi
indi =    indi+1
     if (indi<16) igoto loop8

     if (ierr>0) igoto prop ; until stable

; convert binary response to audio value
indx =    0
isigo     =    0
ipow2     =    1

ibit zir  ibout+indx
isigo     =    isigo+ibit*ipow2
ipow2     =    ipow2*2
indx =    indx+1
     if (indx<16) igoto loop10

isigo     =    isigo-32768

; compress the resulting signal

;iclip    table     ... accepting ideas here :)

; write the output and leave
     ziw  isigo, irch


;============== P E R F O R M A N C E ==============;

; change input and output soundin # to whatever you like
; (the soundin # could be passed as a p-field, but for some
; reason my setup doesnt recognise teh SSDIR, so full path
; must be given

ain1 soundin   "c:\csound\samples\soundin.1"
kin1 downsamp ain1
     zkw  kin1, iich1
ain2 soundin   "c:\csound\samples\soundin.2"
kin2 downsamp ain2
     zkw  kin2, iich2
ain3 soundin   "c:\csound\samples\soundin.3"
kin3 downsamp ain3
     zkw  kin3, iich3

; Just use the same pattern for input and output of the net
; A different set of samples could be present at the input and
; output, causing the learning of that association.

;aout1    soundin   "c:\csound\samples\soundin.#"  ; Program three
kout1     =    kin1                           ; patterns in
     zkw  kout1, ioch1                   ; "recognition"
;aout2    soundin   "c:\csound\samples\soundin.#"  ; mode.
kout2     =    kin2                           ; Remember to
     zkw  kout2, ioch2                   ; update var
;aout3    soundin   "c:\csound\samples\soundin.#"  ;   inump
kout3     =    kin3                           ; at the top
     zkw  kout3, ioch3                   ; of the instr

;astim    soundin   "c:\csound\samples\soundin.#"  ; ask the net
kstim     =    kin1                           ; for pattern
     zkw  kstim, irch                    ; number 1
                                         ; (try kin2&3)

; This will successfully (well, almost, try just 2) recognise
; any of the three patterns and hopefully reconstruct any of
; those, if it is slightly damaged.
; What "slightly" means is very little, using this simple
; network, and due to the limited effectiveness of the
; method used for the audio coding in binary form
; I'm studying an implementation with hidden layers and back-
; -prop learning, using better audio coding strategies
; One can present a completelly diferent input than those
; that were trained, and see how the net responds, but
; *NOTICE* there is no secure against signal clipping

; process sample at i-rate
     reinit    ini


kout zkr  irch
aout interp    kout
     out  aout


; start of score
; the instr just has to be running for the intended duration

i1 0 .5

Date1998-07-01 14:56
SubjectRe: a simple perceptron
On 1 Jul 1998, Pedro Batista wrote:

> here's a little coding example, a very rudimentary atempt at using neural 
> processing based dsp

This is something I've been interested in for a while.  As you point out, 
using a perceptron for each individual sample is a bit of a pain.  One 
thing you might like to look at is recurrent networks.  

I've just had a paper accepted for 'Simulated Adaptive Behaviour 98' on
the subject of 'Temporal Pattern Learning in a Spiking Neural Network',
and I'd be interested to discuss the issues involved (privately, it's a
little off topic) with anyone else who has attempted anything along these
lines.  As yet, it's only useful for learning simple morsecode-like
patterns.  I'm working on extending it to be able to learn more complex
patterns (I'm actually aiming at achieving something like birdsong
learning/production).  I think the first step in improving your network
would be to move to a freq/time domain.  I'll let you all know if I ever
achieve anything useful with all this.. I hope I do, because my thesis is
sort of relying on it :)


      Matt Southall - AARG http://www.psyc.nott.ac.uk/research/aarg 
AI Group, Dept. of Psychology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD.
 email: mjs@psychology.nottingham.ac.uk, tel: +44 (0)115951 5151 ext. 8311

Date1998-07-02 02:19
FromRobin Whittle
SubjectRe: a simple perceptron
Neural nets written in Csound orchestra code????????????

Lord be praised!!!!

I attempted the courageous malloc() in my own mind needed to allow 
me to grok this fab .orc from Pedro Batista, but it returned 0.

At some stage in the future I will do the necessary garbage 
collection and try again.

This is just the sort of thing I hoped that the zak ugens would 
facilitate, along with cellular automata and enabling instruments 
to be much more intimately and dynamically connected.

- Robin


Robin Whittle     rw@firstpr.com.au  http://www.firstpr.com.au
                  Heidelberg Heights, Melbourne, Australia 

First Principles  Research and expression: music, Internet 
                  music marketing, telecommunications, human 
                  factors in technology adoption. Consumer 
                  advocacy in telecommunications, especially 
                  privacy. Consulting and technical writing. 

Real World        Electronics and software for music: eg.
Interfaces        the Devil Fish mods for the TB-303. 
