| Well, OK, maybe my house per se is boring, but how 'bout the 4' diameter
x 15' long empty stainless steel tanks in the basement? They sound
pretty interesting. You see, I live in a former peanut processing plant.
They drained the oil into the basement and then piped it out when they
filled up the tanks. Now it's a semi-residential building but these
giant things are still down there and they sound AMAZING--but they kinda
smell bad.
And I'd love to come up with a way to get a good impulse response
recording out of them without setting off the sprinkler system, which
would kinda ruin everything (mics, guitars, drum set, computer, all my
upstairs neighbors' belongings, my upstairs neighbors, etc.)
I think I may try piping various test signals through some speakers in
the basement and see what I can come up with... though of course that
adds the response of the speakers into the equation...
>It is true, as you imply, that the technique of shorting together mains
>lines, could sometimes have the side-effect of destroying the house.
>Well, ok, presumably if you are using this approach it isn't in your
>house, but rather in some spacious church or concert hall. I mean, why
>would you be interested in the impluse-response of your boring, carpet
>and curtain laden house. You wouldn't of course. Details. So, ok, one
>I hope this helps.
It sure did!
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