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Re: Cecilia vs CSound

Date1999-02-10 11:50
FromJean Piche
SubjectRe: Cecilia vs CSound
Anders Andersson wrote:
> Hello!
> Iv'e recently started to try out CSound for Linux,
> and thus stumbled upon Cecilia.
> My first thought was "Ueck! Windows and buttons!". :)
> So my question is:
> What do I as a coder gain by using Cecilia instead of
> coding orc's and scores from scratch?
> To me, it was just confusing, but that's probably
> because i'm pretty used to coding from scratch.


The advantages are an editor streamlined for csound coding, on-line
documentation, document management, error reporting etc. It is likely that
coding in Cecilia is much faster than anything else... but many will wish to
stick to their way of doing things... The Linux version, btw, is not as stable
as we would wish it to be, but it works reasonably well. Dave Phillips is the
Linux reference on Cecilia.

Try it and see

Jean Piche
Universite de Montreal