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Re: How to generate subharmonics

Date1999-06-12 11:02
SubjectRe: How to generate subharmonics

a little correction:

<< As far as electronic instruments, subharmonics have been utilized since 
Oskar Sala's Trautonium
 incorporated them around 1948 or so. In this form, the subharmonics are 
generated by some sort of >>

It was around 1929 when this Trautonium was invented by Trautwein. Hindemith 
wrote some Trios for it and they perform it first time 1930. 

Funny thing beside : Hindemith, Sala and Trautwein thought that they have 
discoverd something new when they found the subharmonic row, the opposite of 
the overtone row. But soon they discoverd that composers have thought about a 
lot early, around 1700 (names I forget :( ).
I got this little tale from Sala himself when he got a lecture on the Berlin 
Atonal Festival a while ago. He still lives and works and hold lectures...and 
he develope an Trautonium with the german Doepfer (http://www.doepfer.de), it 
will materialize as a subharmonic generator for their modular system and the 
famous unique ribbonmanual. BUT I think ONLY Oskar Sala can play it so 
virtously and when he die, some unique music will die with him. Sadly he 
didn't wanted to took time to educate someone...


Malte Steiner
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