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Re: amplitude envelopes /practicality

Date1998-05-27 01:11
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: amplitude envelopes /practicality
>>I'm having a lot of trouble dealing with notes getting chopped off by
>>succeeding notes and having to go about tweaking envelope settings.Too
>>tedious for extended use.
>I think your problem here is that your tryng to let your notes go longer
>than 'p3', this is the total length of each note, release and all, no just
>the sustain period. Make the total length of all the segments to your
>envelopes equal to or less than 'p3' and you note cutting problem should
> kenv linseg 3, 0.07*p3, 2, 0.2*p3, 0, 0.33*p3, .7, 0.4*p3, 0
> (0.07 + 0.2 + 0.33 + 0.4) * p3 = p3

If this indeed the problem described, the following may also help:

(a) I define an attack, a sustain, and a release duration for each note. I
assign p3 to sustain, add the attack and release to it to obtain a total
duration, and then reassign the total duration to p3. This seems to force
the note to last at least as long as the desired attack and release. Of
course, this best suits notes that sound more or less like notes from
instrumental music.

(b) I always impose an overall "damping" envelope using linseg with a short
attack and release to muffle any untoward clicks at the beginning or end of
a note. The actual duration of the attack and release must be changed to
suit the desired timbre. It ranges from .001 seconds to .05 seconds,