| I tried this (below)straight out of the csound manual, just change
"Sound.wav" and the length to "Sound.aif" and 52480, and it doesn't work, I
get this error
FTERROR, ftable 10: illegal table length
f 10 0.0052480.00 1.00 "Sound.aif" ...
I've tried different text editors, I'm using PPC version 'perf' 3.56 on an
iMac. I was originally tring it with my own .orc and .sco was getting the
same errors.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; graintest.orc
instr 1
insnd = 10
ibasfrq = 32000 / ftlen(insnd) ; Use original sample rate of insnd file
kamp expseg 8000, p3/2, 8000, p3/2, 16000
kpitch line ibasfrq, p3, ibasfrq * .8
kdens line 600, p3, 200
kaoff line 0, p3, 5000
kpoff line 0, p3, ibasfrq * .5
kgdur line .4, p3, .1
imaxgdur = .5
ar grain kamp, kpitch, kdens, kaoff, kpoff, kgdur, insnd, 5, imaxgdur, 0.0
out ar
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; graintest.sco
f5 0 512 20 2 ; Hanning window
f10 0 52480 1 "Sound.aif" 0 0 0
i1 0 10 |