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Re: instrument design hints

Date1998-02-19 09:24
FromDavid Schuyeteneer
SubjectRe: instrument design hints
> 3. Use Zak audio channels to route the output of instruments to a mixer
> sound effects.  Use Zak kontrol channels to route LFO's and envelopes to
> the instruments modulation destinations.

Hello, could you perhaps explain how to use that ZAK system  ? It dawned to
me that it
might be handy, though I couldn't succeed using it usefully..

[..Fait Cson existe ou pas ?.....(the philosophical Csounder) ]

Date1998-02-19 18:54
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectRe: instrument design hints
At 10:24 AM 2/19/98 +0100, David Schuyeteneer wrote:
>> 3. Use Zak audio channels to route the output of instruments to a mixer
>> sound effects.  Use Zak kontrol channels to route LFO's and envelopes to
>> the instruments modulation destinations.
>Hello, could you perhaps explain how to use that ZAK system  ? It dawned to
>me that it
>might be handy, though I couldn't succeed using it usefully..


Here are the basics.  To write to an audio channel use:

                  zaw     asig, ichannel

To read from and audio channel use:

            asig  zar     ichannel

zkw & zkr do the same for kontrol rate varibles.  One instrument is usually
used for writing and the other is used for reading.  That's the main
concept behind Zak.  To use it you have to first initialize the number of
channels your anticipate needing with something like:

          zakinit 50, 30

For 50 audio and 30 control channels.  I've left of zarm & zawm etc so as
not to over do it...

Hans Mikelson