| Hi,
Here is another drum. This one is much simpler and should be easier to
modify and play around with, and perhaps sounds fatter. It basically takes
noise, sweeps a resonant low-pass filter over it, sweeping both frequency
and resonance with exponential envelopes, applies an amplitude envelope and
finally applies compression/limiting. The p-fields should be useful for
generating a variety of sounds. Try changing the limiting curve for more or
less compression.
Happy Csounding,
Hans Mikelson
; Kick Drum
; Coded by Hans Mikelson August 25, 1999
sr = 44100 ; Sample rate
kr = 44100 ; Kontrol rate
ksmps = 1 ; Samples/Kontrol period
nchnls = 2 ; Normal stereo
zakinit 50,50 ; May need this later
; Kick Drum 1
instr 10
idur = p3 ; Duration
iamp = p4 ; Amplitude
iacc = p5 ; Accent
irez = p6 ; Resonance
kfenv expseg 1500*iacc, .04, 200, .04, 120, idur-.04, 40 ; Freq
krenv expseg .7, idur, 1 ; Q Envelope
kaenv expseg .1, .001, 1, .02, 1, .04, .7, idur-.062, .7 ; Amp Envelope
kdclck linseg 0, .002, 1, idur-.004, 1, .002, 0 ; Declick
asig rand 2 ; Random
; I use rand 2 to rely on moogvcf built in limiter
aflt moogvcf asig, kfenv, irez*krenv ; Moog filter
aout1 = aflt*kaenv*3 ; Scale the sound
krms rms aout1, 1000 ; Limiter, get rms
klim table3 krms*.5, 5, 1 ; Get limiting value
aout = aout1*klim*iamp*kdclck ; Scale again and ouput
outs aout, aout ; Output the sound
f1 0 65536 10 1
f5 0 1024 -8 1 256 1 256 .7 256 .1 256 .01 ; Compression/Limiting curve
; Sta Dur Amp Accent Q
i10 0.0 .18 24000 1 1.2
i10 0.5 . . .8 1.5
i10 1.0 . . .5 1.8
i10 1.5 . . .4 2.2
i10 2.0 .18 24000 1 1.2
i10 2.5 . . .8 1.5
i10 3.0 . . .5 1.8
i10 3.75 . . .4 2.2
i10 3.5 . . .4 2.2
i10 4.0 .18 24000 1 1.2
i10 4.5 . . .8 1.5
i10 5.0 . . .5 1.8
i10 5.5 . . .4 2.2
i10 6.0 .18 24000 1 1.2
i10 6.5 . . .8 1.5
i10 7.0 . . .5 1.8
i10 7.75 . . .4 2.2
i10 7.5 . . .4 2.2