| J.P.Fitch@bath.ac.uk wrote:
> I have added to my experimemtal system a family of opcodes which are
> like oscili except that they use cubic interpolation. If anyone withs
> to experimemt with these I can provide SGI, Linux or PC versions, or
> of course code. I am not totally sure that the code is correct in all
> cases but it seems OK. At present I have called this family oscil3
> for cubic.
Great! it is very intriguing.
> Question: should this code replace oscili (assuming it is correct)?
Absolutely no! It should be slower, and I think that this kind of interpolation will be
useful, above all, for wavetable-based synthesis (so I need it on an opcode such as
loscil. You can name it something as 'cuboscil').
> Wouks you prefer oscil3 to work with non-power-of-2-plus-1 tables?
> Question: which other opcodes do you think should use cubic
> interpolation? Adjusting an opcode is not trivial, and certainly is
> much slower.
I am willing to do some more opcodes, but I woudl prefer
> a priority order -- or promises that people with do teh adjustments
> Question: is cubic needed? What about using quadratic interpolation?
what about a 8-point interpolation (such as Sound Blaster Live! wavetable synth)?
> PS Happy new year
Happy 1999 you too!
Gabriel Maldonado