| Charles Baker wrote:
> Christian Lyra wrote:
> >
> > > > Also , there is the cultural question - why C? Why not Basic, Lisp,
> > > > Pascal, Forth,Occam...
> > > I haven't yet seen the obvious ( semmantical ) reason yet!!
> > > its called CSound not (B)ASICsound (L)ispsound,... :)
> >
> > Lispsound? look at nyquist....
> Or CommonLispMusic (oh, so cool..)
Well, yes, it's CLM that spurred me to make my comment about how Csound
doesn't truly *compile* the orchestra code. It seems like CLM, however,
does in fact do this, int the sense that it outputs a C source file
which codes the CLM instrument. So in a sense, unlike C-sound, it is
really a compiler - so that there is none of the run-time
pointer-dereferencing that Csound would presumably need.
The not-so-cool thing about CLM, of course, is that there is only a
handfull of unit generators, compared to the immense richness of them
that Csound has.
-- Larry Troxler -- lt@westnet.com -- Patterson, NY USA -- |