| nunativs wrote:
> > or an opcode to work with soundfont
> > bancks (prepare a multilayered multisample is too tedious now...)
> Joseph you're reading my mind on this one. Multilayered sampling is one of
> Csound's weak points.
Yes ... I don´t like sampling but for percussion instruments it is good enough, and
still necessary for timbres like an acoustic piano. I know there are really good
soundfonts, the only problem is that such opcode should retain some multiplattforn
support and I don´t know if these multisample files are standarised or maybe too
MsWin-oriented. But a built-in opcode is absolutely necessary: I tried to build one
with the loscil opcodes and some hundreds of conditionals and table accesses to
select the appropiate sample and it turned out to be a nightmare!
> Pertaining to the discussion of a virtual DX7, I would encourage
> development of all 32 algorithims in a single opcode.
> Also couldn't all the 4-op single purpose opcodes be combined into a
> general more robust 4-op Fm synth based on the 81Z?
Coding entire old analog synths an early digital FM-based ones into the sources of
Csound is for me a great idea. And a hard work of course! You can always experiment
with new analog/FM synthesis techniques, but all those timbres have been developed
years ago and such opcodes would save you from reinventing the wheels.