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Re: Processor

Date1998-05-08 17:33
FromEd Hall
SubjectRe: Processor
This chip has possibly the worst floating-point performance of any of the
Intel-compatibles running at comparable clock speeds.  If you're on a
budget, get a Pentium MMX or an AMD K6.  The latter runs Csound quite
well--I've got one at 233MHz, and I get the following on the Csound

Test    Bach-d  Bach-m  Riss-g  Riss-m  Guit-d  Guit-m  Jame-g  pvanal  lpanal
K6/233  5.6     5.6     3.3     3.1     5.8     5.8     0.4     5.8     4.1

(Note: I'm running Unix on this box.  W95 results may vary...)

An IDT WinChip would get about half this performance, given the same clock
rate.  (A Pentium II would do considerably better than the K6, but it isn't
going to plug into your current motherboard.)

One warning: make sure your system board can be set to the appropriate
voltage for whatever CPU you buy, and that your BIOS is compatible with



Date1998-05-08 18:02
FromDerek Pierce
Hi Csounders
Does anyone have any experience of "Winchip" a cheap processor that is
optimised for win95. I want to upgrade to 200Mhz and its the cheapest
chip on offer, but does it work?