| I'm interested in this too
We have currently 3 linux-machines with Turtle Beach Fiji cards which should be
OK except that the driver hangs sometimes and the machines need to be rebooted,
so if someone know of a good card with digital i/o that has a solid linux-driver
I'll be interested to hear about it.
Here is a page with some information ( I believe Paul Winkler is here too ?)
Anyone had experience with Hoontech 4Dwave, I have a feeling that the extra
card with digital inputs doesn't work with ALSA, is that correct?
Roger Klaveness : rogerkl@notam.uio.no
NoTAM : http://www.notam.uio.no/
Kunstnett Norge : http://www.kunst.no/
On Tue, 05 Oct 1999, jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> In a fit of uncharacteristic benevolence my Head of Department has
> agreed to buy my student a Linux PC with soundcard. So, I am asking
> all you knowledgeable people what soundcard should I ask for? The
> student is particularly interested in drums sounds, and is
> investigating the production of such sounds by physical models, and
> so some sonic accuracy is required. If it were a Windows machine i
> might ask for a Creamware card. What is the best for Linux?
> ==John ffitch |