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Soundcard advice

Date1999-10-05 20:56
SubjectSoundcard advice
In a fit of uncharacteristic benevolence my Head of Department has
agreed to buy my student a Linux PC with soundcard.  So, I am asking
all you knowledgeable people what soundcard should I ask for?  The
student is particularly interested in drums sounds, and is
investigating the production of such sounds by physical models, and
so some sonic accuracy is required.  If it were a Windows machine i
might ask for a Creamware card.  What is the best for Linux?

Date1999-10-06 08:22
FromRoger Klaveness
SubjectRe: Soundcard advice
I'm interested in this too

We have currently 3 linux-machines with Turtle Beach Fiji cards which should be
OK except that the driver hangs sometimes and the machines need to be rebooted,
so if someone know of a good card with digital i/o that has a solid linux-driver
I'll be interested to hear about it.

Here is a page with some information ( I believe Paul Winkler is here too ?)

Anyone had experience with Hoontech 4Dwave, I have a feeling that the extra
card with digital inputs doesn't work with ALSA, is that correct?

Roger Klaveness : rogerkl@notam.uio.no
NoTAM : http://www.notam.uio.no/
Kunstnett Norge : http://www.kunst.no/

On Tue, 05 Oct 1999, jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk wrote:
> In a fit of uncharacteristic benevolence my Head of Department has
> agreed to buy my student a Linux PC with soundcard.  So, I am asking
> all you knowledgeable people what soundcard should I ask for?  The
> student is particularly interested in drums sounds, and is
> investigating the production of such sounds by physical models, and
> so some sonic accuracy is required.  If it were a Windows machine i
> might ask for a Creamware card.  What is the best for Linux?
> ==John ffitch