| Dear Csounders,
How do you use "tempest" opcode.
I use the following orchestra and score but it works like a metronome, I mean
that CSound doesn't follow the audio file's beats. It follows ,instead, the
second argument passed to "tempo" opcode and run it straight.
What table value have I to pass to the ifn argument in "tempest"? The manual says:
"ifn - table number of a stored function (drawn left-to-right) by which the
short-term memory data is attenuated over time."
Here are orc and sco:
; ********************************************************
sr = 44100
kr = 441
ksmps =100
nchnls = 1
instr 1
; **************************************************
asig soundin "IndPerc#6-91.1mloop" ; get external audio
ksig rms asig
ktemp tempest ksig, .02, .1, 3, 2, 800, .005, .3, 91, 4 ; and look for beats
tempo ktemp, 91
; ************************************************
idur = p3
iamp = p4
ifq1 = p5
if1 = p6 ; free choice of envelope
if2 = p7 ; and waveform
a2 oscili iamp, 1/idur, if2
a1 oscili a2, ifq1, if1
out a1
instr 2
asig1 soundin "IndPerc#6-91.1mloop"
idur = p3
out asig1
; Wave
f2 0 1024 10 1 .2 .05 ; three harmonics
; exponential envelopes: post-normalized (2**10)
f51 0 513 5 1024 512 1 ; plucked
; table for tempest
;f4 0 513 5 1024 512 1; exponentielle
f4 0 513 7 1024 512 1; linéaire
; score ******************************************************************
; wav env
; start idur iamp ifq1 if1 if2
i2 0 42
i1 0 1 9000 440 2 51 ; carriers with percussive env
i1 + . . . . .
i1 + . . . . .
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
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i1 +
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i1 +
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i1 +
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i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
i1 +
Jean-Michel DARREMONT |