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AIFF: Compression type not FL32

Date1998-12-16 17:42
SubjectAIFF: Compression type not FL32
I use the MiXViews sound editor quite a bit.  There is
an incompatibility between it and csound.  MiXViews will
read an AIFF sound file, and save it only as type AIFC.
Csound doesn't seem to handle this, or at least not MXV's
AIFC's. When I attempt to read such a file with csound 
or sndinfo, I get:

	Compression Type is not FL32

I have contacted the author of MXV, and his response
was along the line that AIFF is from the 19'th century, and
that Csound should support AIFC.  Perhaps csound does, but
does not agree with MXV as to format?
